
#Equal Food Rights for Dogs or #Double Noms

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Protector of the Amsters

My furiend on twitta, @henryandfriends do be da bestest furiend a puppy could have he so concerned for ourwell being and healf. He do run #keepfits on a Fursdee night his time in da UK (Pa say dat a long way from Noo Zeelund) and da Fridee morning time where I is.
Each time we do go we do lots of streeeechin and relaxxxxin den we do ecercise nd if we good we get to finnish off by chasing his pet amsters.
I used to fink day look tasty and always wanna catch dem amsters but Henri do convert me into finking day be my furiends. I now da biggest protector of da amsters, I kinda da Greenpeace for Amsters and I done did get a title it be "Protecter of da Amsters".
I now training de amsters so day go fasta and do be impossible to catch. Me also organised "cuddles wif amsters" afta each #keepfits class so all my furiends can get to know da amsters like I do.
I so proud of my job I takin it serious I now got a masseuse for da hamsters and also a specul amster jackuzzie for dem. I suggest a ice baf for dem but day ask for a beer fridge instead, I gotta fink bout dat!!!!


Baxter PODA (dat be Protecter of da Amsters)


  1. i dus be verry prowd of yoo baksta an al th werk yoo is dooin wiv th amstas. yoo dus disserv yor ribbun for beein offishul amsta prowtekta. fank yoo verry much

    strokes .. strokes .. strokes ..

  2. You suggest an ice bath for the hamsters? We're not too sure about that, but we think it's wonderful you've become a protector of them.
